Monday, February 23, 2009

My Tribute to Sally Sweet

I wanted to post a picture of my project now that I have it together. I still need to do some applique work and embroidery on it, but you'll at least get an idea of what I'm heading for. The subject for this mini quilt it Sally Sweet who seems to be pretty popular, lol. I had to do this as a tribute to my all time favorite scene. Sally to the rescue in dress, heels, school bus, and Uzi!

I'll post a photo of the completed quilt when I'm finished. (I just figured out that I could post a picture on here, lol.) I've really loved this challenge!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sally Sweet Top Finished!

Ok, I posted a pic of this laying somewhat together... but wanted to post a pic of the top as sewn. This is it! Tada!

Originally I intended to make a small Sally Sweet and 5 other characters and put them together, but I have decided that several of the characters I can use the same colors, so those will get put together in one, scrappy top. Then a few others I am just going to make the small tops and finish them and let my kids use them as doll quilts or sell them.

I think I will back this one with the purple/white/black with spiders and maybe sell it. It is 24.5 x 24.5" square.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good Times With Lula

My first mini quilt top is done! Though, like Lula it didn't quite cooperate the way I wanted. I squared up HSTs and blocks and sewed more blocks together and lost a bunch of points. Sigh. My daughter Hannah loves it though and I will quilt it and give it to her as a play quilt. It is 24" square and is an original design based on traditional HSTs. I am thinking of baking it with the black fabric with the maribou slippers all over it and binding it with a bright lime.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Free Giveaway

Bad Lula Potholders up for grabs at my blog in a free giveaway!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Bad Lula Block

I added a few fabrics to my Lula fabrics and set out this evening to make 4, 12" blocks for my Lula mini (is that an oxymoron?) However I miscalculted my measurements not once but twice and the result was a 6" block with 27 pieces and 18 HSTs!! Ooops!

Thank God I only squared up the HSTs I needed for one block because my baby was fussy and I figured I'd do the other three in the morning. All the remaining bits are going into the trash. Not the scrap box, the trash! The one horridly sized little block is getting borders and being turned into a potholder.

I originally designed a slightly simpler block to use for Lula and I will try again with it and the same fabrics, just not tonight. :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sally Sweet

Yesterday wasn't a block day on the calendar, but I made one anyway, because I only needed ONE to finish my Sally Sweet quilt. Somewhere above here is the block. Today wasn't a block day either, because it is the intro pic of the next
quilt. So today I cut my sashings for Sally. In this terrible picture, the side-to-side sashings look like they are too short, but that is only becauce the blocks are not all sewn together yet. They will be fine, trust me. And this is the quilt in it's entirety. It also qualifies for a Black and White (and ONE other color) Challenge I am in. Now! On to something else!